My story, my life and my love. ♥ thanks for dropping by :) { Follow | Dashboard }

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Short rewind.

Decided to join in form six as a pathway to my tertiary study.
No doubt. Just a safest path to role all my conflicts.
It needs to be brave, courageous to throw my things here away
And going to the new environment I have ever been.
I am scared, frightened.
Sorry that I still have a lot of unforgettable and burning memories keep flowing in my mind.
Made me here.

Sometimes I refused to use chinese to write on this diary.
Cause I have too much to show, and nothing to hide.
Chinese is my indigenous language.
I can spread a lot of sadness, depression, desperation through my words.
When I reviewed it, it burst me into a world .
Without tears, without madness, but it gave me bad feelings.
really LIKE HELL.

I was once a girl who kept best and dreamy hopes for relationship between people.
I am only 18 years old now.
Why there are always so much of tricky and absurd feelings and reasons
keeps blocking me from approaching to it

When I was working, one of my colleagues talked to me
She said I am still living in the past, and flowing in memories
She said I have too much which haven't be put down yet.

Yesterday night I was drowned. drowned by memories.
I thought I was never be so thoughtful, so remembering
Every moment I been with you, you all struck to my mind
Those heart-wrenches ady started to fade
but memories last long

It was reluctant for me to rethink the past
I sincerely miss every part of them
The times we went by, the way we went through

We were a big family, had been.
We lose each others. It made memories deeper.
Gods set us apart, may be it is His way to mold us to become a better person

如果过去的一切 依然在